I am a Computer Networking student at the Technical University of Košice. Check out my side-projects below.
"Košice, Slovakia"
"3rd year of a Computer Networks - Technical University of Košice"
["HTML", "CSS", "JavaScript", "Electron", "React", "WordPress", "C", "Java", "Figma", "Canva", "Adobe Photoshop"]
This project is a portfolio of all my created websites. It was my first experience working with HTML and CSS. I programmed it completely from scratch, and I ended up learning a lot about layout and site structure.
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As part of learning the C language, I created several simple games where I learned and got acquainted with the basics of programming. I learned the basics as variables, how to work with arrays, how pointers work, or modulated programming.
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As part of my bachelor thesis, I created a web application in Electron as an aid for children with speech therapy problems. In addition to working with HTML, CSS and JavaScript, I used and worked with speech recognition libraries.
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